
The Affordable Care Act has made health care more available to more people. But how do you help young women who have never had the opportunity to think about preventive healthcare to take the first step?
By giving OB/GYN doctors the marketing tools they
need to reach out to this previously underserved population. Off-the-shelf integrated campaigns make it easy for doctors to get noticed and easy for prospective patients to take control of their own health.

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For first-generation
Hispanic teens
a provider who
respects their heritage
and doesn’t judge
them is key.

Ads targeting Hispanic teens. Landing page for Hispanic teens.

First-time moms
have a lot of questions
and a busy life.
They’re looking for
a doctor who will take
time with them, on
their schedule.

Landing page for newly expectant moms. Ads targeting newly expectant moms.

want advertising
that’s professional and
easy to implement.
A program developed
and supported by
renowned healthcare
marketing experts
delivers exactly that.

Ads targeting newly expectant moms. Landing page for newly expectant moms.